03 May

Everyone knows technology is great until it doesn’t work. It gives you headaches knowing how much you will have to spend for the computer equipment and IT maintenance cost. That’s why it is advisable for businesses, especially for start-ups, to know the different types of IT maintenance. Let us identify them one-by-one.

  1. Preventive Maintenance

The word preventive states what it is. It is a particular systematic process that inspects all vulnerable areas whether or not it has shown any signs of technical issues. Also, doing this from time to time helps to prolong the equipment or program lifespan. 

  1. Predictive Maintenance

On the other hand, this IT maintenance used diagnostic tools to determine the operational capacity of which variables require assistance to avoid the potential technical issue from happening. For example, the temperature CPU increases, and it is affecting the battery, among others.

  1. Corrective Maintenance

But if the two IT maintenance failed to work, and the technical issues still occur, this procedure can help, because it corrects any defects, and determine the root cause, and may be able to find what replacement is suitable for the operations to work again. 

  1. Evolutionary Maintenance

However, this one has a different process. It adjusts what maintenance and support after every solution, this what most of all IT hardware maintenance companies do, they use different approaches on how to deal with every system failures and think of corresponding and applicable ways to resolve it. 

  1. Periodic Maintenance

Lastly, most of the time “tech” people in Singapore call this as TBM (Time Base Maintenance). It is one of the primary IT maintenance that consists of data collections, visual checking and cleaning maintenance. Also, anyone can do this even if they don’t undergo extensive training.

See, once you’ve learned all of this, you know what type of IT maintenance and support your business needs.

For reliable IT maintenance providers in Singapore? Contact Achievement Solution. They offer various IT maintenance and support services that are suitable for your budget!



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