04 Mar

Regular IT maintenance companies help protect your files and lessen the risk of serious problems and malfunctions. However, part of maintaining an organized IT system for your company is looking after your company data--all of them. This one is on you as well.

Looking after your data should be one of your top priority, a loss of crucial data (customer database) can definitely have a huge consequence that would harm your business. Here are tips to ensure your data are protected.

1. Use onsite storage and cloud storage

Store data both on your local drives and on the cloud or in other words have backups. Data stored on the cloud can be accessed from any computer unit, tablet, and smartphone that makes it even more convenient for employees and managers alike to collaborate and work on projects.

2. Save Files in Standard Locations

For a company that has a large number of employees, it can be hard to locate files without a proper process of saving files. Files can be duplicated and lost, and in addition, without a structured system of folders, precious time cand be wasted. You can give each employee their own area on your server or cloud storage platform (which are usually linked).

3. Manage Your Hard Disks

Hard disks are in need of proper care the most. They may slow down if the data stored in them is too fragmented. In this case, even your outsourced IT maintenance company would advise you to run a defragmentation utility every six months. This efficiently rearranges everything on the hard disk which prevents corrupted or broken files.

4. Have a Virus & Cyber Security

Probably the most serious threat to your company's data are viruses, spyware, and hackers. Taking security precautions such as installing security software on all your company device and setting up firewalls are the best thing to prevent data loss caused by external factors.

Data loss could cause catastrophic consequences a business. Fortunately, precautionary methods of IT maintenance in Singapore are quite at parr with its western counterparts. However, taking matters to your own hand could also help, remember to keep an open eye to any possible risk that may occur in your system.

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