05 May

If you own a small to medium-sized enterprise (SME), you will eventually notice that you would need to acquire a cloud backup storage like Azure Stack HCI Solutions. It is a software that manages sensitive data and protects the files stored on your computer. Here, pay attention to some signs indicated in this article, then you would know if it’s time to get one!

  1. Not Using Backup

Have you backed up your computer lately? If not, then you should be, mainly if your business relies on data your employees collected.  Imagine, losing every data means, you have to recreate everything from scratch, and your customers may lose their trust in your products and services.

  1. Application Running Slow

If this happens, don’t settle for less, because you know yourself that your business deserves the best. So, if your business application is running slower than usual when the backups are running in the back-end, then you might need to change your cloud backup storage because what you have is no longer efficient for your business. 

  1. Using Several Backup Tools

As your business grows, your employees would handle more data, meaning if they use several backup tools, their productivity becomes slower, and you may receive complaints. So, do them a favour by getting Azure Stack HCI Solutions. It has a centralised platform that could help your employees hasten their productivity.

  1. Frequent Downtime

Experiencing downtime is a typical activity for online business. But if this happens frequently, and disrupts your daily productivity, then it’s time to change your approach. Get a system integrator in Singapore, so your business application can run smoothly, and your employees can cater your customers without holding their orders.

  1. Backups Are In the Office

If you are having trouble accessing your backups outside your office, chances are your business is still using the traditional method. Often, you have to go to the office so you can get the data that you need. 

Need cloud backup storage? Check out TeleAce today! Go to their website to know more about what they offer.

Resources: https://www.scoop.it/topic/infographics-by-ziyon-tang/p/4118544665/2020/05/19/signs-you-need-a-cloud-backup-storage 

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