21 Jul

Apparently, our online habits and activity play a huge role in our cybersecurity. Even with cyber security solutions in Singapore, if proper online browsing activities are not practised, we jeopardise our cyber privacy. Cyber attackers and hackers can steal and expose sensitive details about our online activities and transactions, including the information in the corporate pass in Singapore. 

Here are the online habits that expose us to cyber threats:

  1. Lack of Cyber Security Measure

Hackers today do not choose their victims. Everyone is vulnerable, from big companies to small businesses, down to the private individual. If you are managing sensitive details, be it for your small shop, investing in cybersecurity software solutions in Singapore is not a waste of money. You can get smaller offers like data privacy to the most stringent cybersecurity measure, including the IAM solution.

  1. Installing Random Applications and Softwares 

It only takes a strong internet connection and enough storage space in your smartphone and laptop to install whatever applications and software you want. Make sure to read the safety features of the application and software. Some of them ask permission to access contact information, messages, details of other applications, microphone and camera. Cyber security solutions in Singapore give warnings on suspicious software and applications. 

  1. Reusing Weak Passwords

Many cybersecurity experts advise refraining from using one password to multiple accounts. It compromises the security of your accounts. Make sure to use stringent log-in security measures like the IAM solution, which makes unauthorised access to sensitive data like corporate pass in Singapore more complex. 

  1. Connecting To Unsecured Wifi Network

Hackers usually use the unsecured public wifi connection to victimise unsuspecting people connected to it. As much as possible, only use your private wifi network or the company's internet connection, which is usually encrypted with cybersecurity protection.

  1. Relying On Your Antivirus Software

Cyber attacks today are becoming more sophisticated, and relying on antivirus for protection is not enough. Stringent cyber security solutions in Singapore can prevent more advanced attacks. 

AdNovum provides prime security solutions to protect you from cyber-attacks. Visit AdNovum today. 


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