06 Nov

Is there a downtime, lost files, hacked data, network outages, in fact, is your business experiencing more than a minor issue and having trouble keeping up with your day-to-day operations efficiently? Maybe it’s time to change your IT service provider. Here are the signs you help you decide whether to get one in Singapore.

#1 Slow Internet Connection

If you are always waiting for over three seconds for your system to work, then there is a problem with your internet connection, either it so slow or it's unreliable. So, don’t wait for your internet to load, business time is money, and what your business needs to have fibre broadband with high internet speed connection.

#2 Unprepared Cyber Attack

Whether you are small or big business, it’s hard to sustain your cybersecurity when you don’t have a reliable IT service provider who will not only secure your business files but also protect your client’s data.

#3 Constantly Experiencing Downtime

Remember, downtime is a waste of your productivity time. So if you business always having downtime, chances your business will not grow efficiently like everyone else, and this is because your IT service provider is falling behind to what is constant, and that is a change or improvement.

#4 In-house IT department Are understaffed

To know if you're in-house IT department is understaffed, count their working task, and see their capability to finish on time because they can’t, chances they are incapable of work efficiently.

#5 No More Back Up Space

Better check your backup capacity, because when your business doesn’t sufficient space to save your important files, then it will be hard for your business to grow. This means you have an outdated database, and the only solution to sustain the capability is to have software-defined networking services, because this has a centralised cloud solution that can be accessible to every employee.

Notice any of these signs happening to your business? Then, change your internet connection into fibre broadband as you contact an IT service provider called NetPluz Asia, now experience how efficient their latest service and updates in Singapore.

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