04 Feb

Did you know? Technology itself is a double-edged sword, and it can liberate and enslave our needs. Why did you ask? Every day, technology is rapidly growing, so if you settle down to the good old days, your greatest competitive assets might be your biggest headache later on.

For your business growth and success, let us look at the signs you need to switch your IT maintenance in Singapore.

  1. Slow Response Time 

It is inevitable for a business not to have a server breakdown or internet outages. That’s why business always turns to have an IT maintenance service. Because they wouldn't want delays to happen, but when the old IT hardware maintenance companies no longer respond immediately, then it's time to switch before any severe losses of production and money.

  1. Do Not Offer 24/7 for 365 to 366 Days Monitoring

Every business network and data never sleeps, that’s why they need to have an IT maintenance service, that can monitor 24/7 and can immediately respond to all kinds of technical issues. So, if the old IT maintenance does not offer this kind service then, it’s time to switch them to something better. 

  1. IT Maintenance Service Doesn’t Have Backup

Always have a backup, that’s the number one rule of any business because, without their data, it’s hard to run a business. That’s why businesses today always input their data in a secured shared database, just in case something happened. So, if the IT maintenance doesn’t have backup space, any business contracted with them wouldn’t survive this harsh world.

  1. Outgrown the IT Maintenance Service

If the IT maintenance service always struggles to provide their support, chances are a business grows so much that the contracted IT maintenance service can no longer support the business even to their best effort.

If these signs sound familiar with your current situations, then switch your IT maintenance service, before it’s too late.  So, if you are looking for some alternative IT hardware maintenance companies, then contact Achievement Solutions in Singapore, and see if their IT maintenance is worth your budget!

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