02 Mar

We all know how important it is to design a website. It’s not surprising since web designs are the first thing we see whenever we visit websites. But the question is: How can you design your web page?

To design your website with aesthetic intent, you need to lend your eyes to your users. Ask yourself: What would you want to see whenever you visit a brand’s website? The answers are probably:

  • Great combination of colours

  • Convenient navigation

  • Fast loading times

  • Engaging videos

Well, there you have it. These are just some of the things you need to incorporate into your website! Of course, it’s easier said than done! Thankfully, that’s why we’re here.

Here are some tips for creating a quality web design:

1. Post videos

When people are too bored to read, what’s the closest thing they can do? Watch videos, of course! That’s why it’s a great idea to post videos on your website so you can engage more with the users. Plus, you could add tidbits of information about your business if you include a few videos too.

However, if you’re going to publish videos on your website, make sure they run quickly. No one is patient enough to wait for a video that takes one minute to load! With that in mind, we’ll get to the next topic: the importance of a high-quality website!

2. Optimise your site’s speed

As previously said, no one is patient enough to wait for videos that take too long to load. The same thing applies to websites, which is even more crucial since your website is the entire package! 

To know if your website is taking too long to load, you could use Google Speed Insights that will tell if your site is running poorly. It’s highly recommended to do so since Google penalises websites that have slow loading times!

3. Use the right typography

Aside from colours, another essential design factor is typography. You need to choose the right typography to complement the theme and colours!

For instance, if you want to create a Greek-inspired design, perhaps you should choose a Latin-inspired font-style as well? It’ll complement your design and make your website a pleasure to read!

4. Place loading animations

If videos aren’t enough, maybe you can incorporate loading animations into your website? It will add a bit of flair and make it more engaging for users to explore your website. Not to mention, it looks cool; what other reason should you include animations in your site?


After everything that’s said, we can conclude that most people are interested in two things: speed and animations. When it comes to speed, your website will rely on fast loading times for a better user-experience. As for animations, people are more often engaged in videos and moving figures since they’re just too fun to look at!

There you have it! These are some tips for designing your website. You should outsource your services to a website design company in Singapore to make sure your web page is guaranteed to perform smoothly and quickly!

You could visit Efusion Technology, an E-commerce website design company in Singapore, if you’re interested in designing your website.

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